Dissecting the Genetic Basis of Sex and Dioecy in Cannabis Sativa (2021)
Nolan Kane, PhD
Associate Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado Boulder
As hemp continues to become an ever more economically valuable/important crop, it becomes increasingly necessary to understand the mechanism of sex determination. Understanding these processes will help to develop new approaches, tools, and pipelines, which will propel Cannabis into the modern era as […]

Observational Study of the Effects of Acute Cannabis Use on Ocular Activity Relevant to Driving (2021)
Ashley Brooks-Russell, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor, Director (IVPC), Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Police officers have long recognized that changes to the eyes, such as changes to the pupils or eye movements, can be a sign of recent drug use. Emerging research has found that changes to eye movement may […]

Investigating the Effect of Cannabidiol and Cannabidiol-trazodone Combination Treatment on Naturally Occurring Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome as a Surrogate for Alzheimer’s Disease (2021)
Stephanie McGrath, PhD
Associate Professor, Neurology, Colorado State University
The World Health Organization predicts that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementias will be the second leading cause of death in the United States within the next decade. Unfortunately, multimodal treatment efforts, with drugs, vaccines, and stem cell therapies, have yet to be successful. Neurodegenerative disorders are […]

Quantification of Endo- and Phytocannabinoids with Comparison to Pain Medication Requirements and Surgical Outcomes for Patients Undergoing Abdominal Surgery for Cancer (2021)
Camille Stewart, MD
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
The use of cannabis is expanding in the United States. There is, however, a critical lacking in our understanding of how cannabis and its associated chemical compounds, called cannabinoids, affect patients after surgery. Patients undergoing abdominal surgery have substantial […]

Exploring Intoxication During Acute Alcohol and Cannabis Co-Administration: A Focus on Cannabinoid Content and Order Effects (2021)
Hollis Karoly, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Colorado State University
Cannabis is the most commonly used drug among people who drink alcohol, yet evidence on the effects of using these substances together is quite limited. Two important factors that might impact the relationship between cannabis and alcohol use are the specific type of cannabis used […]

Defining the Effects of CBD Consumption During Pregnancy on Fetal Neurodevelopment and Postnatal Anxiety (2021)
Emily Bates, PhD
Associate Professor, Pediatrics-Developmental Biology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Morning sickness during pregnancy can be debilitating for a significant portion of women. Because there are not good remedies easily available and marijuana can help with nausea, women are drawn to using it, or the non-psychoactive component cannabidiol (CBD), thinking it is safe […]

Is What You See What You Get? A Systematic, Public Health-driven Analysis of Cannabis Product Label Claims VS. Actual Cannabinoid Content (2021)
Cinnamon Bidwell, PhD
Institute of Cognitive Science Faculty, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder
Duncan Mackie, PhD
Director of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, MedPharm Holdings
This project constitutes an independent and comprehensive evaluation of cannabis product label claims and testing infrastructure in the State of Colorado. The primary aim is to determine the actual cannabinoid potency (via […]

Cannabinoid Conversion to CBN During Hemp Extraction and Post-Extraction Fluorination of CBD and CBN for Increased Bioavailability (2021)
Ken Olejar, PhD
Colorado State University Pueblo
Large numbers of therapies originate from compounds originating in plants. Cannabinoids produced by industrial hemp are a group of compounds that are emerging for potential medical use. One problem that exists with all-natural compounds is their bioavailability. Studies have shown that when many of these compounds are given at therapeutic […]

Short-term Effects of Cannabis use and Cannabinoids in Youth: A Sibling-Comparison Study (2021)
Jarrod Ellingson, PhD
Assistant Professor, Psychiatry-Substance Dependence, University of Colorado School of Medicine
In the last 10 years, cannabis has become more accessible and more potent in tetrahydrocannabinol [THC] content. Prior studies have linked earlier cannabis use and greater THC potency to adverse mental health outcomes. However, these studies generally suffer from two important limitations. First, […]
Microbiome-Mediated Effects of Cannabis and CBD on Neurotransmitter-Related Molecular Networks and Anxiety (2021)
Nichole Reisdorph, PhD
Professor Mass Spectrometry Facility Director, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Orally consumed Cannabis and extracted cannabidiol (CBD) products are becoming widely used supplements for a range of health disorders, including depression and anxiety. However, there is limited understanding regarding how Cannabis and CBD affect those living with these […]
Understanding Genomic Constituents of Cannabis and Genetic Regulation Underlying Cannabinoid Production (2021)
Dr. Sang Hyuck Park, ICR
The objective of the ICR research projects is to provide in-depth scientific evidence for better understanding the biology, chemistry, and physiology of Cannabis sativa L. to improve its agronomic values, as well as to extend the scope of the use of phytocannabinoids as a potential therapeutical agent. In order to […]
Anti-Cancer Potential of Fermented Dietary Hempseed (CANNABIS SATIVA L.) Metabolites and the Role of CB Receptors in Human Colon Cancer Cell CACO2 Viability, Proliferation, and Energy Metabolism (2021)
Dr. Annette Gabaldón, Biology
The objective of this study is to determine whether metabolites generated through probiotic fermentation of dietary hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) exert anti-cancer effects. Specifically, we will culture human colorectal carcinoma cells Caco-2 in growth media supplemented with hempseed fermentation supernatant and test for alterations in cell viability, proliferation, and energy metabolism.
Previously, […]
Effects of Dietary Hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) on Growth Patterns, Body Composition, Bone Mineral Density, and Gut Microbiota Diversity in Memale C57BL/6J Mice (2021)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Annette Gabaldon, Biology
The objective of this study is to understand the effects of dietary hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) ingestion on growth patterns, body composition, bone mineral density, and gut microbiota diversity in female C57BL/6J mice. Hempseed is a nutrient-dense food which contains high amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fiber, lipids, vitamins, minerals, […]
Applications of Industrial Hemp (2021)
Dr. Brian Vanden Heuvel, Biology
This project enables an inter-departmental, multi-faculty collaborative workflow that builds on 18 months of previous achievements by the principal investigator and co-principal investigators and established infrastructure through previous ICR funding. We believe that it is time to extend our work to applied projects.
Specifically, this proposal asks 1) Can industrial hemp […]
An Ongoing Investigation Into the Effects of Medicinal Cannabis on Seizures in Adults with Medically Refractory Epilepsy (2021)
Dr. Barbara Brett-Green, Psychology
The primary objective for this project is to continue an ongoing study into the effects of medicinal cannabis on seizures in adults with medically refractory epilepsy. The Principal Investigator has established a partnership with Realm of Caring, a nonprofit organization, to provide support services for patients, and iC42, a bioanalytics company, […]
Formation of Cannabinoids in Glandular Trichomes of Cannabis (Partnership Project) (2021)
Dr. Sang Hyuck Park, Dr. Eun Soo Kim
This study will provide a base for a future thrust relating to a selection of hemp varieties. According to the morphological aspect, three types of glandular trichomes in Cannabis sativa are recognized: bulbous, capitate-sessile, and capitate-stalked trichomes. Capitate-stalked trichomes have garnered research interest, whereas the other two […]
Understanding Genomic Constituents of Cannabis and Genetic Regulation Underlying Cannabinoid Production (2020)
Dr. Sang Hyuck Park, ICR
The objective of the ICR research projects is to provide in-depth scientific evidence for better understanding the biology, chemistry, and physiology of Cannabis sativa L. to improve its agronomic values, as well as to extend the scope of the use of phytocannabinoids as a potential therapeutical agent. In order to achieve this […]
Interactions of Penicillium Spinulosum with Hemo and Nonpsychoactive Hemp Compounds (2020)
Dr. Sandra Bonetti, Chemistry
In nature, fungi and plants have developed close ecological relationships due to their co-evolution on earth. The interactions between fungi and plants are diverse and may be beneficial or detrimental depending on environmental conditions and the organisms involved. Mycorrhizal fungi are symbiotically associated plant host root systems, which provide enhanced water […]
Exploring Factors to Mitigate Customer’s Perceived Risk of CBD Oil Usage (2020)
Dr. Laee Choi, Marketing
Perceived risk refers to the nature and amount of risk perceived by a consumer in contemplating a particular purchase decision. Cox and Rich (1964) suggest that the amount of risk perceived by the customer is a function of two factors: the amount at stake determined by the importance of the buying […]
Anti-Cancer Potential of Fermented Dietary Hempseed (CANNABIS SATIVA L.) Metabolites and the Role of CB Receptors in Human Colon Cancer Cell CACO2 Viability, Proliferation, and Energy Metabolism (2020)
Dr. Annette Gabaldón, Biology
The objective of this study is to determine whether metabolites generated through probiotic fermentation of dietary hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) exert anti-cancer effects. Specifically, we will culture human colorectal carcinoma cells Caco-2 in growth media supplemented with hempseed fermentation supernatant and test for alterations in cell viability, proliferation, and energy metabolism.
Previously, […]
Sexually Dimorphic Effects of Cannabinoids on Cognitive and Reflexive Learning and Memory-Dependent Neuronal Network Activity in Mouse Hippocampus and Amygdala (2020)
Dr. Jeff Smith, Biology
The broad objectives of this proposed research are to quantitatively identify the degree to which electrical activity in specific neuronal populations that support fear learning and memory in the mammalian brain is targeted in a sexually dimorphic way by the cannabinoids; Dexanabinol, a synthetic cannabinoid used in human clinical trials for […]
Data Analytics in Cannabis Research (2020)
Dr. Kuang-Yuan Huang, CIS
There are two goals of the proposed research. First, we will continue our ICR-funded research on analyzing the big data collected from a large cannabis online support forum. Specifically, the goal is to analyze the social network data constructed from the social interaction history among cannabis quitters in the online support […]
Cannabis Use Survey Instrument Development and Implementation (2020)
Dr. Karen Yescavage, Psychology
The objective of this project is to engage in survey instrument development, assessing its psychometric properties, in order to build an empirical cannabis knowledge base. Once survey is both reliable and valid, objective is to research the reasons why people use and how they use cannabis, both medicinally and recreationally. Specific […]
Applications of Industrial Hemp (Multi-Year Project) (2020)
Dr. Brian Vanden Heuvel, Biology
This project enables an inter-departmental, multi-faculty collaborative workflow that builds on 18 months of previous achievements by the principal investigator and co-principal investigators and established infrastructure through previous ICR funding. We believe that it is time to extend our work to applied projects.
Specifically, this proposal asks: 1) Can industrial hemp be […]
Rheological characteristics of hemp-based filament composites for 3D printing (Multi-Year Project) (2020)
Dr. Neb Jaksic, Engineering
This research investigates flow characteristics of various hemp-based composites used in 3D printing. It is an expansion to the research already in progress. While the current research is based on the goal of optimizing the hemp-plastic ratio in filament composites, this proposed research emphasizes understanding of underlying principles and it should further help […]
An ongoing investigation into the effects of medicinal cannabis on seizures in adults with medically refractory epilepsy (Multi-Year Project) (2020)
Dr. Barbara Brett-Green, Psychology
The primary objective for this project is to continue an ongoing study into the effects of medicinal cannabis on seizures in adults with medically refractory epilepsy. The Principal Investigator has established a partnership with Realm of Caring, a nonprofit organization, to provide support services for patients, and iC42, a bioanalytics company, to […]
Identification And Characterization of Hemp Components That Control Abnormal Proliferation of Human Rheumatoid Arthritis Fibroblast-like Synoviocytes And Triple-negative Breast Cancer Cells (Partnership Project) (2020)
Dr. Sang Hyuck Park, Dr.Kyungho Lee
Both Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) are characterized by abnormal proliferation and an association with an affected immune response. Abnormal proliferation and inflammation disrupt endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis and induce the unfolded protein response (UPR). The UPR is associated with the pathogenesis of various human diseases […]
Formation of Cannabinoids in Glandular Trichomes of Cannabis (Partnership Project) (2020)
Dr. Sang Hyuck Park, Dr. Eun Soo Kim
This study will provide a base for a future thrust relating to a selection of hemp varieties. According to the morphological aspect, three types of glandular trichomes in Cannabis sativa are recognized: bulbous, capitate-sessile, and capitate-stalked trichomes. Capitate-stalked trichomes have garnered research interest, whereas the other two types of trichomes have […]
How Does CBD Modulate Learning and Memory in Humans? (Partnership Project) (2020)
Dr. Moussa Diawara, Dr. Jeff Smith, Dr. Libby Stuty, Ms. Amy Uhernik
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a form of cannabinoid that lacks the psychoactive (hight) effect associated with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary cannabinoid found in cannabis. Research findings point to CBD as a possible memory-enhancing agent that could be used to treat cognitive disorders of L&M […]
Capturing Archaeal Biochemistry to Build Bigger Botanical Biomass in Cannabis (Partnership Project) (2020)
Dr. Nate Bickford
Oxidative stress is a byproduct of harsh environmental conditions and can limit efficient growth throughout the three kingdoms of life. Ultra-reactive side-products of an oxygen-based metabolism can damage critical cellular components and force programmed cell death. In plants, the cell’s redox status is intimately tied to interpreting environmental cues. Our preliminary data […]
An ongoing investigation into the effects of medicinal cannabis on seizures in adults with medically refractory epilepsy (2019)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Barbara Brett-Green, Psychology
The primary objective for this project is to continue an ongoing study into the effects of medicinal cannabis on seizures in adults with medically refractory epilepsy. The Principal Investigator has established a partnership with Realm of Caring, a nonprofit organization, to provide support services for patients, and iC42, a […]
Effects of dietary hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) on growth patterns, body composition, bone mineral density, and gut microbiota diversity in female C57BL/6J mice (2019)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Annette Gabaldon, Biology
The objective of this study is to understand the effects of dietary hempseed (Cannabis sativa L.) ingestion on growth patterns, body composition, bone mineral density, and gut microbiota diversity in female C57BL/6J mice. Hempseed is a nutrient-dense food which contains high amounts of protein, carbohydrate, fiber, lipids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, […]
Detecting cannabinoid-induced alterations to cellular metabolism using a Seahorse XF Bioanalyzer and monitoring its impact on viral replication (2019)
Principal Investigators: Dr. Annette Gabaldon, Biology, and Dr. Brian Vanden Heuvel, Biology
Cannabinoid receptors are ubiquitous and are found on cells all throughout the body. Endogenous, exogenous, or synthetic cannabinoids can bind to the receptors and trigger a cellular response. It has been shown that activation of the CB1 receptor in liver cells increases metabolic […]
Rheological characteristics of hemp-based filament composites for 3D printing (2019)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Neb Jaksic, Engineering
This research investigates flow characteristics of various hemp-based composites used in 3D printing. It is an expansion to the research already in progress. While the current research is based on the goal of optimizing the hemp-plastic ratio in filament composites, this proposed research emphasizes understanding of underlying principles and it […]
Big data analytics in cannabis research (2019)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Yoanna Long, CIS, Hasan School of Business
The primary objective of this research is two-fold. First, as a continuation of the current ICR-funded research, we will establish a data center to host and analyze cannabis-related data. As a component of the data center, during the next stage we will introduce data analytics […]
K12 cannabis research project (2019)
Principal Investigator: Tim Peters
This study builds upon the work of the 2017-2018 K12 Pilot Study. The proposed 2018-2019 project will continue the focus on K12 student cannabis use, programs to prevent cannabis use, and interventions to address student violations of cannabis laws. Data will be collected from schools to determine trends in cannabis use […]
Modulation of NMDA-Receptor Dependent Neurological Function by Dexanabinol (2019)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jeff Smith, Biologya
The broad objectives of this proposed research are to characterize the inhibition of GluN2B subunit-containing NMDA receptors in mouse brain by the cannabinoid Dexanabinol (HU-211) and to demonstrate its relevance for modulating NMDA receptor-dependent learning and memory in mice at both the electrophysiological and behavioral levels.
The specific aims are […]
Applications of industrial hemp (2019)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Brian Vanden Heuvel, Biologya
This project enables an inter-departmental, multi-faculty collaborative workflow that builds on 18 months of previous achievements by the principal investigator and co-principal investigators and established infrastructure through previous ICR funding. We believe that it is time to extend our work to applied projects.
Specifically, this proposal asks: 1) Can […]
Cannabis safety and quality of life impacts: A national patient registry (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jane Fraser, Engineering
Effects of medicinal cannabis on seizures in adults with medically refractory epilepsy (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Barbara Brett-Green, Psychology
Understanding user experiences with cannabis edibles for public health (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jane Fraser, Engineering
Hempseed and stalk extract supplementation effects on growth rate and metabolism of probiotics (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Annette Gabaldon, Biology
Industrial hemp fibers as reinforcing agents in 3-D printing filament composites (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Neb Jaksic, Engineering and Dr. Mel Druelinger, Chemistry
The interaction of beta-estradiol and endocannabinoids on proliferation and new bone formation in cultured primary human osteoblast (HOB) cells (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Annette Gabaldon, Biology
Analysis of types of jobs being created in Pueblo County’s cannabis industry (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Brad Gilbreath, Hasan School of Business
How has the legalization for marijuana, both medicinal and recreational, impacted healthcare in Pueblo County, either as a gateway drug or as a contributor to polysubstance abuse among its residents? (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jacinda Heintzelman, Nursing
Enhanced extraction method for cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids from cannabis leaves and flowers using pressurized liquid extraction (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Chad Kinney, Chemistry
Creation of a K-12 cannabis research pilot study (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Tim Peters, Teacher Education; co-principal investigators: Dr. Bethany Kies, Dr. Lynn Knight, Dr. Margie Massey, Dr. Jenny Piazza, Dr. Pam Richmond, Ron Wiley
Mechanisms of cannabinol’s effects on learning and memory in mice (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jeff Smith, Biology
Analysis of the metabolic pathways affected during cannabinoid receptor activation and its impact on viral replication using a Seahorse XF Analyzer (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jordan Steel, Chemistry
Investigating the role of endocannabinoid induced metabolic changes on viral infection (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jordan Steel, Chemistry
Genomic comparisons to understand the genetic foundations of complex traits in cannabis (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Brian Vanden Heuvel, Biology
Phytoremediation of municipal sewage sludge using industrial hemp to divert organic carbon-rich bio-solids from landfills (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Brian Vanden Heuvel, Biology
Infrastructure development for cannabis growth and research at CSU-Pueblo (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Jeff Smith, Biology, and Dr. Chad Kinney, Chemistry
As part of a research project conducted by the ICR, a 99-100% CBD isolate material was provided by Lilu’s Garden, Ltd., of Denver, Colorado for developing infrastructure for cannabis growth and research at CSU-Pueblo. The specific usage of the CBD isolate was by Dr. […]
Blockchain application in cannabis research (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Yoanna Long, CIS, Hasan School of Business
Data Center and Big Data Analytics in Cannabis (2018)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Yoanna Long, CIS, Hasan School of Business