4-1. ICR Research:

Is the ICR a mouthpiece for the marijuana industry?

No. Because it is an extension of Colorado State University Pueblo, and subject to federal marijuana laws and regulations, the ICR cannot accept funding from the marijuana industry. All the research that the ICR conducts and supports is scientifically objective and unbiased, produced by top academics that the state of Colorado and their collaborators have to offer. Instead, the ICRs purpose it to provide truthful scientific knowledge that hopefully will guide all things cannabis in our society to develop scientifically founded best practices that promote human health and well-being and economic growth in Colorado, while minimizing harm to cannabis consumers and producers.

Does the ICR do research with marijuana?

Here is where terminology can be important. Cannabis is a genus of plants of which there are multiple species and multiple varieties within a given species. The term marijuana is usually reserved for varieties of cannabis that contain > 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive component that can be present in cannabis. Hemp or industrial hemp is usually reserved to describe cannabis that contains < 0.3% THC. Hemp is primarily used as a source of fibers or cannabinoids other than THC. Current at CSU-Pueblo any research project that involves the direct use of plant is limited to hemp and not marijuana. However, the ICR has supported research projects that involve observational studies related to marijuana use, but ICR supported researchers are not involved in administering the marijuana.

What type of research is supported by the ICR?

The ICR uses a competitive internal request for proposal process to support research in any area of research that facilitates and increase understanding of cannabis and its role in Colorado.

Does the ICR provide analysis of cannabis and cannabis-derived products?

The ICR does not provide analysis of cannabis or cannabis products. Individual researchers do analysis of some cannabis, specifically industrial hemp (< 0.3% THC) and low THC products as part of their research projects or collaborations.

Can the ICR provide medical or dosing advice related to cannabis-derived products?

Individuals associated with the ICR are not medical experts and cannot provide medical advice related to cannabis or other substances. If you have medical questions we recommend you contact a licensed medical professional.

Does the ICR have a Schedule I license?

Currently the ICR/CSU-Pueblo does not have a DEA Schedule License. If sponsored research requires working with high THC content cannabis in the future, all federal guidelines will continue to be followed including procuring a Schedule I license.

Does the ICR grow hemp or marijuana?

The ICR currently has the ability to grow industrial hemp (< 0.3% THC cannabis) under a State License granted by the Colorado Department of Agriculture which is federally compliant. Any hemp grown is tested for THC content that it is < 0.3% THC.


4-2. ICR Academic Program and Student Opportunities:

Does ICR provide any program or courses that can prepare students for the cannabis industry?

CSU Pueblo offers several accredited  educational opportunities to learn about cannabis.

CSU Pueblo offers a Bachelor’s degree in Cannabis Biology and Chemistry for students seeking to  expertise in  cannabis science. The curriculum is a mix of studies in the biological and chemical sciences with a cannabis emphasis which includes experiential learning opportunities. Details can be found at: https://www.csupueblo.edu/cannabis-biology-and-chemistry-bs/index.html

CSU Pueblo also offers a Masters Degree in Cannabis Biology and Chemistry for students wishing to increase their depth of knowledge. More details can be found at:  https://www.csupueblo.edu/cannabis-biology-and-chemistry-ms/index.html

In addition, CSU Pueblo offers a Cannabis Studies Minor, which is a 22 credit program of study designed for students seeking to complement their major program of study in Social Work, Sociology, History, Political Science or other programs. This minor is open to all students. Details can be found at: https://www.csupueblo.edu/cannabis-studies/index.html.

I’d like to gather more information about ICR and research program. Whom should I contact for the interview, visit or tour?

Information about individual research projects can be found on our website at https://www.csupueblo.edu/institute-of-cannabis-research/research/state-fiscal-year-2020.html. If additional information is required or you need assistance contacting the appropriate individuals, our ICR staff will assist you. Please contact us at ICR@csupueblo.edu

Where can CSU-Pueblo students find the research/volunteer opportunities?

Research activities are conducted under the direction of individual faculty members. Students interested in research opportunities may consider contacting faculty engaged in research of interest or contact the ICR and we can put the student into contact with ICR researchers. The primary volunteer opportunities though the ICR are available during the annual ICR Conference. Please contact us at ICR@csupueblo.edu if you are interested in student volunteer opportunities during the upcoming ICR Conference.

Are there any job openings at ICR? Where can I find more information?

All Current Career Opportunities at CSU-Pueblo can be found at https://www.csupueblo.edu/human-resources/employment/current-opportunities.html.


4-3. ICR Funding and Partnership:

Where does the funding for the ICR come from?

The ICR was started by funding provided by Pueblo County and an appropriation from the state of Colorado. The ICR has been sustained through continued appropriations from the state.

How does someone or a group of researchers receive support to conduct research?

All funded projects must have a CSU-Pueblo PI, but can have external collaborators. The ICR puts out an annual RFP (https://www.csupueblo.edu/institute-of-cannabis-research/research-and-program-update.html) that faculty can respond to request funding for the following fiscal year. Proposals for the following fiscal year are expected to have a deadline of late winter or early spring each year.

What do I do if I want to partner with the ICR/CSU-Pueblo?

The ICR supports individuals and organization external to the ICR or CSU-Pueblo partnering with researchers at CSU-Pueblo on cannabis-related research. Beginning in FY 2018 the ICR reserved some support to seed partnership projects. The ICR Staff will review any application/proposal for support of new partnerships on a rolling basis.

How can I be updated with the ICR Annual Conference or join the ICR mailing list?

If you are interested in ICR Annual Conference or any other ICR activities, you can email your contact information (name, email or phone number) to ICR@csupueblo.edu and request that you be added to the Conference mailing list. Each year information related to the conference will be updated on the ICR website.

Can I publish my cannabis-related research through the ICR?

The ICR does not publish research directly, but the Journal of Cannabis Research is now accepting submissions. Published in partnership with the Institute of Cannabis Research, Journal of Cannabis Research is an innovative open access journal covering all aspects of research related to cannabis and its constituents. Topics covered include:agriculture and plant biology; commerce, business, and environment; the endocannabinoid system; pharmacology, biochemistry, and genetics of cannabinoids; epidemiology and public health; medical cannabis; and history, regulation, and public policy. Details can be found at: https://jcannabisresearch.biomedcentral.com/.

4-4. Public Health and Service:

The ICR does not currently offer analytical services. Research supported by the ICR is conducted under the direction of individual faculty members. In some cases, individual departments or researchers will provide sample analysis on a fee for service basis.