May 2022
Dr. Whitney Cranshaw is an Emeritus Professor and Instructor at Colorado State University in the Department of Agricultural Biology. After receiving his M.S. (1979) and Ph.D. (1981) in Entomology from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Cranshaw became an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist at Colorado State University in 1983. As a faculty member and extension specialist at Colorado State University for 37 years, Dr. Cranshaw’s responsibilities included developing applied pest management programs for insect pests of horticultural crops in Colorado including vegetables, shade trees and shrubs, turf, fruit, and greenhouse crops; meeting the entomology Extension needs of the state; and teaching undergraduate and graduate classes related to general entomology, horticultural entomology, and diagnostics. His recent work with cannabis has investigated Beet Curly Top Virus (BCTV) in Cannabis sativa L. in Western Colorado, rice root aphid in Cannabis sativa L. in North America, and developing pest management systems for hemp in the United States. In Post-Retirement, Dr. Cranshaw continues to maintain listserv discussion groups, websites for insect and hemp insect information, and Extension fact sheets related to entomology while also continuing to work on entomology related projects including hemp entomology.