August 2023
Dr. Lefsrud is an Associate Professor at McGill University and leads the Biomass Production Laboratory. His education includes a B.Sc. (USask) and M.Sc. (Rutgers) in Agricultural and Bioresource Engineering, and a Ph.D. (UTenn) in Plant Physiology, giving him a background in agriculture, biology, and engineering. The laboratory’s primary goal is the improvement of plants for human consumption (food security), post-harvest processing, and energy. Within the focus of food security, we are investigating methods for controlled environment agriculture (CEA) and indoor plant environments (IPE), including research for medicinal cannabis, northern greenhouses, tropical greenhouses, greenhouse heating using wood pellets (with direct combustion and gasification), light-emitting diodes, HVAC, and technologies for improving vertical farming.
Learn more by registering for our webinar at the link below.